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API documentation

Airbyte has two sets of APIs which are intended for different uses. The table below outlines their descriptions, use cases, availability and status.

Airbyte APIConfiguration API
DescriptionAirbyte API is a reliable, easy-to-use interface for programmatically controlling the Airbyte platform. With full support from the Airbyte team.The Config API is an internal Airbyte API that is designed for communications between different Airbyte components.
Use CasesEnables users to control Airbyte programmatically and use with Orchestration tools (ex: Airflow)

Exists for Airbyte users to write applications against.

Enables Powered by Airbyte
Enables OSS users to configure their own Self-Hosted Airbyte deployment (internal state, etc)

Enables Airbyte Engineering team to configure Airbyte Cloud (internal state)
Available forCloud users.OSS users
StatusAvailable to all Cloud users. Learn more in our launch post.

Full support from the Airbyte team.
Airbyte does NOT have active commitments to support this API long-term. OSS users can utilize the Config API, but at their own risk.

This API is utilized internally by the Airbyte Engineering team and may be modified in the future if the need arises.

Modifications by the Airbyte Engineering team could create breaking changes and OSS users would need to update their code to catch up to any backwards incompatible changes in the API.
DocumentationAvailable hereAvailable here