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Authentication allows the connector to check whether it has sufficient permission to fetch data and communicate its identity to the API. The authentication feature provides a secure way to configure authentication using a variety of methods.

The credentials itself (e.g. username and password) are not specified as part of the connector, instead they are part of the configuration that is specified by the end user when setting up a source based on the connector. During development, it's possible to provide testing credentials in the "Testing values" menu, but those are not saved along with the connector. Credentials that are part of the source configuration are stored in a secure way in your Airbyte instance while the connector configuration is saved in the regular database.

In the "Authentication" section on the "Global Configuration" page in the connector builder, the authentication method can be specified. This configuration is shared for all streams - it's not possible to use different authentication methods for different streams in the same connector. In case your API uses multiple or custom authentication methods, you can use the low-code CDK or Python CDK.

If your API doesn't need authentication, leave it set at "No auth". This means the connector will be able to make requests to the API without providing any credentials which might be the case for some public open APIs or private APIs only available in local networks.

Authentication methods

Check the documentation of the API you want to integrate for the used authentication method. The following ones are supported in the connector builder:

Select the matching authentication method for your API and check the sections below for more information about individual methods.

Basic HTTP

If requests are authenticated using the Basic HTTP authentication method, the documentation page will likely contain one of the following keywords:

  • "Basic Auth"
  • "Basic HTTP"
  • "Authorization: Basic"

The Basic HTTP authentication method is a standard and doesn't require any further configuration. Username and password are set via "Testing values" in the connector builder and by the end user when configuring this connector as a Source.


The Greenhouse API is an API using basic authentication.

Sometimes, only a username and no password is required, like for the Chargebee API - in these cases simply leave the password input empty.

In the basic authentication scheme, the supplied username and password are concatenated with a colon : and encoded using the base64 algorithm. For username user and password passwd, the base64-encoding of user:passwd is dXNlcjpwYXNzd2Q=.

When fetching records, this string is sent as part of the Authorization header:

curl -X GET \
-H "Authorization: Basic dXNlcjpwYXNzd2Q=" \<stream path>

Bearer Token

If requests are authenticated using Bearer authentication, the documentation will probably mention "bearer token" or "token authentication". In this scheme, the Authorization header of the HTTP request is set to Bearer <token>.

Like the Basic HTTP authentication it does not require further configuration. The bearer token can be set via "Testing values" in the connector builder and by the end user when configuring this connector as a Source.


The Sendgrid API and the Square API are supporting Bearer authentication.

When fetching records, the token is sent along as the Authorization header:

curl -X GET \
-H "Authorization: Bearer <bearer token>" \<stream path>


The API key authentication method is similar to the Bearer authentication but allows to configure where to inject the API key (header, request param or request body), as well as under which field name. The used injection mechanism and the field name is part of the connector definition while the API key itself can be set via "Testing values" in the connector builder as well as when configuring this connector as a Source.

The following table helps with which mechanism to use for which API:

DescriptionInjection mechanism
(HTTP) headerheader
Query parameter / query string / request parameter / URL parameterrequest_parameter
Form encoded request body / form databody_data
JSON encoded request bodybody_json


The API is using API key authentication via the X-CoinAPI-Key header.

When fetching records, the api token is included in the request using the configured header:

curl -X GET \
-H "X-CoinAPI-Key: <api-key>" \<stream path>

In this case the injection mechanism is header and the field name is X-CoinAPI-Key.


The OAuth authentication method implements authentication using an OAuth2.0 flow with a refresh token grant type and client credentiuals grant type.

In this scheme, the OAuth endpoint of an API is called with client id and client secret and/or a long-lived refresh token that's provided by the end user when configuring this connector as a Source. These credentials are used to obtain a short-lived access token that's used to make requests actually extracting records. If the access token expires, the connection will automatically request a new one.

The connector needs to be configured with the endpoint to call to obtain access tokens with the client id/secret and/or the refresh token. OAuth client id/secret and the refresh token are provided via "Testing values" in the connector builder as well as when configuring this connector as a Source.

Depending on how the refresh endpoint is implemented exactly, additional configuration might be necessary to specify how to request an access token with the right permissions (configuring OAuth scopes and grant type) and how to extract the access token and the expiry date out of the response (configuring expiry date format and property name as well as the access key property name):

  • Scopes - the OAuth scopes the access token will have access to. if not specified, no scopes are sent along with the refresh token request
  • Grant type - the used OAuth grant type (either refresh token or client credentials). In case of refresh_token, a refresh token has to be provided by the end user when configuring the connector as a Source.
  • Token expiry property name - the name of the property in the response that contains token expiry information. If not specified, it's set to expires_in
  • Token expire property date format - if not specified, the expiry property is interpreted as the number of seconds the access token will be valid
  • Access token property name - the name of the property in the response that contains the access token to do requests. If not specified, it's set to access_token

If the API uses other grant types like PKCE are required, it's not possible to use the connector builder with OAuth authentication - check out the compatibility guide for more information.

Keep in mind that the OAuth authentication method does not implement a single-click authentication experience for the end user configuring the connector - it will still be necessary to obtain client id, client secret and refresh token from the API and manually enter them into the configuration form.


The Square API supports OAuth.

In this case, the authentication method has to be configured like this:

  • "Token refresh endpoint" is
  • "Token expiry property name" is expires_at

When running a sync, the connector is first sending client id, client secret and refresh token to the token refresh endpoint:

curl -X POST \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-d '{"client_id": "<client id>", "client_secret": "<client secret>", "refresh_token": "<refresh token>", "grant_type": "refresh_token" }' \
<token refresh endpoint>

The response is a JSON object containing an access_token property and an expires_at property:

 {"access_token":"<access-token>", "expires_at": "2023-12-12T00:00:00"}

The expires_at date tells the connector how long the access token can be used - if this point in time is passed, a new access token is requested automatically.

When fetching records, the access token is sent along as part of the Authorization header:

curl -X GET \
-H "Authorization: Bearer <access-token>" \<stream path>

Update refresh token from authentication response

In a lot of cases, OAuth refresh tokens are long-lived and can be used to create access tokens for every sync. In some cases however, a refresh token becomes invalid after it has been used to create an access token. In these situations, a new refresh token is returned along with the access token. One example of this behavior is the Smartsheets API. In these cases, it's necessary to update the refresh token in the configuration every time an access token is generated, so the next sync will still succeed.

This can be done using the "Overwrite config with refresh token response" setting. If enabled, the authenticator expects a new refresh token to be returned from the token refresh endpoint. By default, the property refresh_token is used to extract the new refresh token, but this can be configured using the "Refresh token property name" setting. The connector then updates its own configuration with the new refresh token and uses it the next time an access token needs to be generated. If this option is used, it's necessary to specify an initial access token along with its expiry date in the "Testing values" menu.

Custom authentication methods

Some APIs require complex custom authentication schemes involving signing requests or doing multiple requests to authenticate. In these cases, it's required to use the low-code CDK or Python CDK.