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Google Search Console

This page contains the setup guide and reference information for the google search console source connector.


  • A verified property in Google Search Console
  • Enable Google Search Console API for GCP project at GCP console
  • Credentials to a Google Service Account (or Google Service Account with delegated Domain Wide Authority) or Google User Account
  • Enable Google Search Console API

Setup guide

Step 1: Set up google search console

How to create the client credentials for Google Search Console, to use with Airbyte?

You can either:

  • Use the existing Service Account for your Google Project with granted Admin Permissions
  • Use your personal Google User Account with oauth. If you choose this option, your account must have permissions to view the Google Search Console project you choose.
  • Create the new Service Account credentials for your Google Project, and grant Admin Permissions to it
  • Follow the Delegating domain-wide authority process to obtain the necessary permissions to your google account from the administrator of Workspace

Creating a Google service account

A service account's credentials include a generated email address that is unique and at least one public/private key pair. If domain-wide delegation is enabled, then a client ID is also part of the service account's credentials.

  1. Open the Service accounts page
  2. If prompted, select an existing project, or create a new project.
  3. Click + Create service account.
  4. Under Service account details, type a name, ID, and description for the service account, then click Create.
    • Optional: Under Service account permissions, select the IAM roles to grant to the service account, then click Continue.
    • Optional: Under Grant users access to this service account, add the users or groups that are allowed to use and manage the service account.
  5. Go to API Console/Credentials, check the Service Accounts section, click on the Email address of service account you just created.
  6. Open Details tab and find Show domain-wide delegation, checkmark the Enable Google Workspace Domain-wide Delegation.
  7. On Keys tab click + Add key, then click Create new key.

Your new public/private key pair should be now generated and downloaded to your machine as <project_id>.json you can find it in the Downloads folder or somewhere else if you use another default destination for downloaded files. This file serves as the only copy of the private key. You are responsible for storing it securely. If you lose this key pair, you will need to generate a new one!

Using the existing Service Account

  1. Go to API Console/Credentials, check the Service Accounts section, click on the Email address of service account you just created.
  2. Click on Details tab and find Show domain-wide delegation, checkmark the Enable Google Workspace Domain-wide Delegation.
  3. On Keys tab click + Add key, then click Create new key.

Your new public/private key pair should be now generated and downloaded to your machine as <project_id>.json you can find it in the Downloads folder or somewhere else if you use another default destination for downloaded files. This file serves as the only copy of the private key. You are responsible for storing it securely. If you lose this key pair, you will need to generate a new one!


You can return to the API Console/Credentials at any time to view the email address, public key fingerprints, and other information, or to generate additional public/private key pairs. For more details about service account credentials in the API Console, see Service accounts in the API Console help file.

Create a Service Account with delegated domain-wide authority

Follow the Google Documentation for performing Delegating domain-wide authority to create a Service account with delegated domain-wide authority. This account must be created by an administrator of your Google Workspace. Please make sure to grant the following OAuth scopes to the service user:


At the end of this process, you should have JSON credentials to this Google Service Account.

Step 2: Set up the google search console connector in Airbyte

For Airbyte Cloud:

  1. Log into your Airbyte Cloud account.
  2. In the left navigation bar, click Sources. In the top-right corner, click +new source.
  3. On the Set up the source page, enter the name for the google search console connector and select google search console from the Source type dropdown.
  4. Click Authenticate your account to sign in with Google and authorize your account.
  5. Fill in the site_urls field.
  6. Fill in the start date field.
  7. Fill in the custom reports (optionally) in format {"name": "<report-name>", "dimensions": ["<dimension-name>", ...]}
  8. Fill in the data_state (optionally) in case you want to sync fresher data use `all' value, otherwise use 'final'.
  9. You should be ready to sync data.

For Airbyte Open Source:

  1. Fill in the service_account_info and email fields for authentication.
  2. Fill in the site_urls field.
  3. Fill in the start date field.
  4. Fill in the custom reports (optionally) in format {"name": "<report-name>", "dimensions": ["<dimension-name>", ...]}
  5. Fill in the data_state (optionally) in case you want to sync fresher data use `all' value, otherwise use 'final'.
  6. You should be ready to sync data.

Supported sync modes

The Google Search Console Source connector supports the following sync modes:


The granularity for the cursor is 1 day, so Incremental Sync in Append mode may result in duplicating the data.


Parameter data_state='all' should not be used with Incremental Sync mode as it may cause data loss.

Supported Streams

Performance considerations

This connector attempts to back off gracefully when it hits Reports API's rate limits. To find more information about limits, see Usage Limits documentation.

Data type map

Integration TypeAirbyte TypeNotes


VersionDatePull RequestSubject
1.2.12023-07-0427952Removed deprecated searchType, added discover(Discover results) and googleNews(Results from, etc.) types
1.2.02023-06-2927831Add new streams
1.1.02023-06-2627738License Update: Elv2
1.0.22023-06-1327307Fix data_state config typo
1.0.12023-05-3026746Remove authSpecification from connector spec in favour of advancedAuth
1.0.02023-05-2426452Add data_state parameter to specification
0.1.222023-03-2022295Update specification examples
0.1.212023-02-1422984Specified date formatting in specification
0.1.202023-02-0222334Turn on default HttpAvailabilityStrategy
0.1.192023-01-2722007Set AvailabilityStrategy for streams explicitly to None
0.1.182022-10-2718568Improved config validation: custom_reports.dimension
0.1.172022-10-0817751Improved config validation: start_date, end_date, site_urls
0.1.162022-09-2817304Migrate to per-stream state.
0.1.152022-09-1616819Check available site urls to avoid 403 error on sync
0.1.142022-09-0816433Add custom analytics stream.
0.1.132022-07-2114924Remove additionalProperties field from specs
0.1.122022-05-0412482Update input configuration copy
0.1.112022-01-059186 9194Fix incremental sync: keep all urls in state object
0.1.102021-12-239073Add slicing by date range
0.1.92021-12-229047Add 'order' to spec.json props
0.1.82021-12-218248Enable Sentry for performance and errors tracking
0.1.72021-11-267431Add default end_date param value
0.1.62021-09-276460Update OAuth Spec File
0.1.42021-09-236394Update Doc link Spec File
0.1.32021-09-236405Correct Spec File
0.1.22021-09-176222Correct Spec File
0.1.12021-09-226315Verify access to all sites when performing connection check
0.1.02021-09-035350Initial Release